Week 2 - Innovations.

For a past project I chose 4.2 again, I think it would be really interesting if a new outcome using implemented automation would've been really cool, on reflection on my 4.2 project I wanted to cover the controlled randomness that Futurism had.

Alternate version.

I feel as if I did get there a bit with this design, but I think it would've been interesting to incorporate some generative automation in this, kind of like this work https://leeds.graphics/100pg-randoms-brief/

It would be really interesting If I could in some way write a piece of code and isolate each shape and then randomise the designs even more, as to achieve a more controlled randomised effect without spending a long time manually doing it.

On top of this it could have a predetermined format as to cut down on even more manual time, simply place the image outputted from the code into a format and finish.

Perhaps you could give this prompts too, IE: ' please focus on red shapes and make yellow shapes a supplementary element.

I think this would've pushed the process in a really interesting direction and further added to the goal feeling I wanted, it also would've given me a far greater range of outcomes that I then could've maybe layered on top of each other, or combined elements?

In the future I am definitely going to try automate some sort of processes in my work flow as I found it really interesting to use, I think the biggest challenge I would actually run into though is finding where to implement it, which I need to further explore really.

I would want to look into the depths of coding and how far I can push it, how to go about coding something like this and different coding technologies.

Edward morrell

Edward morrell

I like graphics and painting.