100PG Randoms Brief.

I wanted to go for a completely random approach rather than use the grid system, I did break the brief, but I think it’s a far more interesting outcome, I then put these into InDesign and used the special character page number to generate the unique numbers for each cover. It would’ve been more interesting to have each piece of type placed randomly, but my aim of the game was automation and cutting any long processes with lots of steps. 

I had a lot of help from chat GPT, I think really my big learning point here wasn’t the automation (as processing confuses the hell out of me), but using chat GPT to help debug problems and help out, learning to prod it with different questions to move toward a solution; alike to the AR workshop and how we used it to learn a new software. 

Prodding ChatGPT
Edward morrell

Edward morrell

I like graphics and painting.