My work process will use my 4.2 brief as an example as I believe it shows my work process pretty perfectly. My workflow (design process) typically follows a process of phases, the big 3 are usually:A research phase, in 4.2 my research phase this consisted of looking deeply into futurism, the means of futurism, history. This took form of reading through ‘Futurism’ by Caroline Tisdall & Angelo Bozzolla. The next phase would typically naturally blend into the ‘sub’ design phase, which is typically early thumbnails, very broad designs that haven’t really digged into anything specific.

Typically, after spending awhile here, I either naturally move on and start to play around more, as I usually spend a lot of time in the sub design phase being too careful with how I play around. The examples above are prime example of this, they’re very empty and simple, when really, they could’ve been interesting had I pushed them more. I even note this in my R&D document for 4.2.
The next phase is where I really think I start to design which I’ve aptly named the design phase! I stop being too careful and really play around and get out my comfort zone to create interesting work

I started riso printing and really exploring specific stuff, IE these long shapes and how they play around with movement which was a main idea of mine in 4.2 as it reflected futurism to me.
Then the final 4th phase is the refinement, I’ve got the content, I’ve got the images and it all just needs to be put in together, this is where I usually put my physical work into a software, it was ID here but could be another in a different context.

The key sticking points in this workflow where things get difficult are often scanning things in, not just for the final outcomes but for the research documents that come along with it. What particularly helped this was the studio scanner hooked up to a mac, it helped massively to take the guess work and issues with the printer scanner, as well as giving me full control over resolution. Another app that helped for more simple things was 'scannable'
Its a pretty handy app for things you need to scan quickly, it bleaches out backgrounds and converts the image into a PDF ready to send, you have to pay for it now annoyingly! But I've worked round this by screen shotting any unimportant things such as sketches.