The next job I had to do was to edit all the rendered clips together. For my own projects I usually use Capcut, as it's super simple and free, but for the sake of this project and exploring technology, I hopped into Premiere Pro to edit my clips.
I dragged all my renders in and aligned them on the timeline, trimming each clip so that the video had a nice flow. I also added in my logo with a green background and used the "ultra key" effect to get rid of it.

Whilst editing I realised that there wasn't really a final scene to my short reel so I jumped back into the Blender file to render one more scene. I wanted this scene to be a finale for the reel, so I made the car drive past the camera (the camera being static this time) and finish with just a scene of the city. Below you can see the shot!

Once I rendered the final shot I brought it back into Procreate to edit. As I was editing I realised that the final clip was not long enough for what I wanted to do so I downloaded the Procreate Beta to use their new Generative Fill for Video Tool, only to find out it supports a select few resolutions, mine not being one of them.
To work around this, I used the razor tool to split the scene and copied and pasted the final bit over and over, as it was just a static scene.

This was what my timeline looked like at this stage, and this was the edited video!
Next it was time to add some sound. I found some free sounds to use of a Nissan skyline and also a jungle track from the 90s, fading the nissan engine sounds at the end to seem like the car actually passes you. I also lowered the sounds of the music so that the engine sounds are more prominent. Here is the final product!