I began my work with the use of AI by asking ChatGPT the question "how would someone use augmented reality to show someone the struggles of dyslexia?" and I received two different responses to start thinking of how I could base my AR work on the struggles of dyslexia.

Response one was very helpful for my initial ideas as it highlighted the fact that people with dyslexia have to deal with letters and words moving on the pages and how I could use AR to simulate text distortion to show how letters may sometimes swap places in words and gave the example of "dog" becoming the word "god".
Response two was also helpful as it told me that I should take into consideration how dyslexia can cause text manipulation which leads to the words appearing blurred and as if they are moving slightly.

I began working in Adobe Aero to create the word "God" with letters from the letters & symbols - simple tab and used the tap trigger for the letters 'G' and 'D' to swap places in order to create the text distortion that I read about in my first response from ChatGPT.
I then moved on to creating the word "Dyslexia" with the same tools that I used to create my previous use of AR but started to look at the different triggers and movements that I could utilise to portray the text manipulation that AI told me about in the second response.

I decided to go with the trigger 'start' as this did not require the user to tap or engage with the letters for the text manipulation to begin as people living with dyslexia would not necessarily do anything to trigger these movements but they will usually just begin when looking at letters and words. I decided to add the bounce effect from the trigger to make the letters move up and down to show the word moving slightly to display the effects that reading whilst living with dyslexia can have on someone.
I think that my use of AI and AR worked really well for this task as it may be some easy use of these technologies but they ended up showing off the struggles of dyslexia to a user in a really effective way.