We were asked to use the skills that we learnt in the AR workshop to create a site-specific AR project that either interacts with or comments on the environment in the city. I decided to take inspiration from the example of an art installation such as graffiti that only exists in AR. the reason I decided to expand on this example is with the student house that I live in being located in Burley there is lots and lots of graffiti that I walk by everyday across seemingly everything in the area; I thought it would work well creating a graffiti inspired design that can only be seen when placed down through the screen of my phone yet still fits in with the rest of the graffiti in the area.

I started by creating the phrase that would be used for my AR installation and decided to go with "Welcome To Burley LS4" as my idea for this brief stems from what is widely seen in the area so I deemed this to be fitting. I put the phrase into Adobe Illustrator and started to apply graffiti style fonts that I downloaded from the site DaFont.

I used the smudge tool on Photoshop to add some wear and tear to my design so that it would match up more to the actual graffiti in the area.

I also used the brush tool on Photoshop to add some ink behind the text so that it creates the effect of as if the graffiti has accidentally been over sprayed just to add some more roughness and depth to my design.

From here I exported my design as a PNG file so that the design didn't have a background when I imported it into Adobe Aero. Once I had imported my design into Aero I scaled the design up so that it wasn't tiny when I started to place the AR design onto things in the real world.

I tested out the design on a wall in my house to see how well the design worked and incase anything needed tweaking before going out to put it on more things outside.

I really liked how this project came out as I feel it was relevant to the area and situation that I was creating it for. I was happy that I was able to incorporate both the design skills that I already knew from using softwares like Illustrator and Photoshop and then importing this into Adobe Aero to turn it into use for an AR project. I do think that the design could have been made much bigger to fill up bigger walls and objects but it is still legible for use at the scale that I went with.
I found it really cool that whilst looking through my phone screen I created my own graffiti installations around the housing estate that I am living in and then being able to look up and it isn't really there.