Polycam is the leading 3D scanning platform for iPhone and iPad, blending professional-grade capabilities with a user-friendly interface.
I scoured the internet for different AR applications to branch out from adobe, and I came across this app. I really liked the user experience as it was pleasant to use and aesthetically pleasing and I decided to take some objects from my room and scan them. The scans aren't as good as they could be, because I didn't take that many photos from different angles of it. There are also different functions you can use once it has processed the 3D model of the object, like measure it and re-process it, if the scan isn't that great.
Since you had to pay a lot of money to fully use the app, I only did basic stuff and didn't take the projects any further. The cost was a let down, however it seems like this app has a lot of possibilities to play with AR and use your scans to take a project further than just the initial object showing up on camera.