This module has been interesting and useful, it has made me reflect on how I work and how limited my use and knowledge of technology has been. It has made me more open
For this brief I decided to continue on my AR Plaque project but with a slightly different concept. I wanted this one to be more experimental. The brief I decided to do is
The first website that caught my eye was definitely
The name was weird and intruiging, and it looked really colourful. I like how 'maximalistic' it looks, it&
In our last session with Jon, we used the Wacom graphics tablets to create a short animation. I knew animating in Photoshop was possible, but I never realised how simple it actually is.
In the sessions with Jon we worked in Cinema 4D to create red blood cells. It was fun to see how 3D animation works, I always thought it was a really difficult process.
When starting a new project I like to start off by writing down my intial ideas and thoughts for the brief as a mindmap and draw some doodles and sketches of my first
When thinking about what to create for a site-specific AR project, I went back to one of the briefs from last year, in which we created a publication. Mine focused on the blue
Last year one of the briefs was to brand or rebrand a service/product in our given areas, we had to create brand guidelines and mockups for our brand. I was quite pleased