In the sessions with Jon we worked in Cinema 4D to create red blood cells. It was fun to see how 3D animation works, I always thought it was a really difficult process. I did find the first few sessions a bit confusing, but towards the end I had a slightly better understanding of the software. We had to create the cells from scratch, by making a rectangle and morphing it into a cell shape. I also learnt, how to add different textures and colours to the objects. The fun part was actually animating the cells flowing through a vessel, the physics worked like they do in real life which made it a bit easier to understand.

Here we made the cells have some textures and colour, to make it more realistic.

After we created the blood cells, we added a light source, and Jon taught us about rendering. The light source helped us create an image of the blood cells together. It ended up looking quite realistic, and the light brought out the textures we applied.

Then we got to actually animating the cells, we used some tools, to restrict the cells moving about freely. We also created some white blood cells, in the same way we did the red ones. They had to move along the line we created, and make sure they weren't going off the path.
We added a tube around the cells, to create the vessel. Jon also taught us how to create a restriction, and slow down the cells, by making the vessel slightly thinner at one point.
I did find this quite confusing, and I'm glad Jon was there to show us everything step by step, otherwise I would've never been able to create this. I did really enjoy these sessions, I didn't think this would be something we looked into, but I'm glad we did. It taught me some new things, and a new skill that will need a lot of working on. However, it was a really good introduction to the topic.