For this brief I decided to continue on my AR Plaque project but with a slightly different concept. I wanted this one to be more experimental. The brief I decided to do is 'Transforming a space'. The place where I found the plaque is actually a mini museum, I thought it'd be fun to maybe create some artwork in that area. My idea was to have an arrow in AR leading you from the plaque to where the art is, and experience the environment from a different perspective.

I added an arrow around the plaque to show which way to go from there. I tried to simulate what you would see on your phone after scanning the QR code, and as you walk around. It would guide you to the space.

This is what the mini museum looks like. I did a quick sketch on the old sign, to show what there could be. I think for this I'd either have to use the Image Anchor tool in Adobe Aero or possibly the location tool, which I haven't tried using yet. That might also not work since it is inside the building, but it would work for the outside. The only problem is the Image Anchor tool allows you to find one image at a time, so I'd have to look into another program to create something like this. There could also just be two separate QR codes to scan to see the two different experiences, although it would be more immersive if done on one.