Cinema 4D Workshops

When I first did a workshop with John on Cinema 4D I was so excited as this was something I had been wanting to get into for a long time. My first impression of the software was that it looked very overwhelming and I convinced myself that I probably wouldn't be able to do it. John gave us reassurance through out the workshops comparing our session to a first driving lesson which made me feel much better about not making a great start.

I found every step of using this software rewarding. It was amazing to see how placing a simple cube with a subdivision surface would make a circular shape. Luckily, I managed to follow the tutorials quite well and kept up with the fast moving process of it all. The only part I struggled with would be the area lighting, I found this difficult to navigate and had to receive some help on where to place it. Below I have attached some images over my process over the past few weeks.

Making the red and white blood cells has given me valuable skills and a basic understanding of this new software. I am definitely going to practice more and advance my knowledge. These workshops have given me the confidence to use Cinema 4D for future projects.