Week 3 Workflow Blog Post

`fivepoint2` `workflow` `research`

My general workflow that I enjoy throughly is the drawing process and actually fleshing out my ideas onto a page or screen, using different artistic capabilities to produce my actual idea. I believe this is because I love the physically creating part, most of them with an experimental approach that doesn’t actually maintain one singular idea but either many or none, which allows my brain to ‘flow’ onto the page, creating my designs. However I believe design and creativeness really starts upon hearing the brief and actually formulating ideas of many scales that seem to be inspired initially, although I could either follow through or not on these, this is the first part of the process in which I call creativity in design. Its all well and good putting ideas onto a page freeform but with an actual idea that you can follow and flesh out from an initial starting point, you can test out different iterations and get into that ‘flow’ of creating, just in a more structured way. I think I really hit my roadblocks when I have to disrupt my flow in ways of screenshotting work and showing my process throughout, as I tend to get lost ion just producing many ideas before I actually realise I need to document, no matter how much I get taught and know this, I just get into that workflow and forget myself. I also struggle sometimes with research that doesn’t really interest me, in the sense of non educational or actual stories. I love top hear designers incredible stories or their path to success, but not some rigid same ideas from everyone, I like creative people with a story and when I have to overly research a person or idea that Im not necessarily interested in, I really tend to disrupt my flow. I think actually ChatGPT is something to be considered for me, as Ive only recently realised the capabilities, I can use this to find information quickly in a way that interests me while keeping away from that long heavy research that almost drains the fun and creativity aspect of producing design.