When looking around at some of the resources from the Powerpoint, I looked at a website called "GoodDesignTools" and then from there stumbled upon a website called "SEESAW" which is a website for designers to get inspiration from.
I've been thinking about making a website for my portfolio so I had a look at the portfolio section and found a website that really stood out to me.
This portfolio is by Thibaut Crépelle, a 26-year-old self taught motion designer.
I really like the overall flow of the website and how clean it is, but the thing that stood out the most to me was the interactivity of his website. The links to his other websites & socials were made into keys on a keyboard, and when hovered over it gives a really tactile satisfying animation, which I think adds to the overall aesthetic and feel of his website.
The animation at the start of the green hue and the type coming into show really gives a professional feel to his website off the bat, which again is something I really like. I want to incorporate similar movement into my portfolio as I think it captivates clients really well.
SEESAW is also a great website for inspiration and I'll definitely be using it in the future.