When thinking about workflow the past week, I thought of ways I can automate other parts of my practice outside of uni. I did some research and landed on a software called "ManyChat".
ManyChat allows you to fully automate your instagram, Facebook & WhatsApp DMs so that you don't have to constantly be checking your messages to give potential clients information.
Similar to nodes in cinema 4D, or writing code in Programming, in ManyChat you use nodes to create a sequence of what will happen when someone comments on your video for example, as we are graphic designers, you could get ManyChat to send a message of your pricing when someone DMs you with key words such as "price" or "work". To create the automation it would look something like this 👇

There are also templates that you can use which make this much easier. One that I am currently using is when someone comments "JOIN" on my instagram reel, they get sent an invite to my free design community I have made. This makes it super easy for me to invite people, and I don't have to constantly be replying to people to send them the link, saving me lots of time!

Ways you could use ManyChat as a designer to send a price list, grow your account, send a set list of onboarding questions to clients and much much more so I think this is a really handy tool to keep in mind if you're into the social media game. It's free up until you have sent 1000 messages through automation, and then you have to pay depending on how many messages you send but the free trial should be enough!