when weighing up the pros and cons of AI and the use of chat GPT especially in education settings, many factors have to be considered as positives and negatives.
Perspective of a Speech
This is a collection of artists, designers and other creatives that have found throughout this module that are especially interesting to me. All research featured in this post heavily focuses on the possibilities
Amplify the overlooked- Digital Fabrication.
For the 6x6 brief, I chose to focus on amplifying the overlooked. My initial thoughts were how I wanted to relate this to the data visualisation outcome however
Below is my concept map explaining and highlighting my interests within graphic technologies. This work explains my connections to Maeda's Law of Simplicity, and how this is reflected within my own
When thinking about workflow the past week, I thought of ways I can automate other parts of my practice outside of uni. I did some research and landed on a software called "