I made this PSX style spray paint from scratch each element of the model had something tweaked to stay true to the PSX style.
Modelling: I used low poly objects as the PS1 did this due to limitations with storage they didn't the storage for a lot of polygons and didn't have a good enough render engine to render a lot of polys on screen at once so when making models for the PS1 they were forced to use low poly models.For the cylinder I transformed it into an octagon as sharper shapes us less polygons. Because PS1 models were so low poly they relied on textures to bring most of the details out.
Texturing: Images today are very high quality and because of this they are quite large in data size.The PS1 only had 8MB of ram nowadays most high quality images are larger in size than 8MB. So because of this image textures are very compressed. To emulate the PSX style I made the textures less than 200 pixels in resolution and the texture contain less than 16 colours as this was common for the PS1 because of the hardware limitations. On top of this the PS1 used CD Rom disk and this disks dude to the time could only hold 300mb - 500mb so game developers had to make sure they could save as much storage as possible to fit the whole game on one disk.

Vertex Snapping: This is the main effect that gives it the PS1 style. It is quite complicated on a technical level so I'm going to simply if for the sake of easy reading.The PSX rasterizer only works with integer coordinates such as 1 or 2 and does not accept vertex values with sub-pixel precision such as 1.5 or 2.5. Vertex coordinates will therefore end up being rounded to the nearest integer value, which causes polygon vertices to snap to the pixel grid.
Playstation 1 was the only console to have this rasteriser problem so the vertex snapping was only a PS1 Problem so adding Vertex snapping is a must when making a PS1 style model.
Lighting: The PS1 couldn't handle lighting so back then each object was vertex painted on with highlights and shadows to achieve the illusion of a light source being present.So for this model I added no external light sources.