At the start of this module, my knowledge of techniques and technologies were quite limited as I've never had the chance/opportunity to explore them. I would stick to Adobe softwares InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and Premier Pro but primarily InDesign and Photoshop.
Week 1: Launch And Mini Brief
During the group mini project, I found it quite fun quickly brainstorming ideas since I can be slow sometimes to stick to one idea so it was nice to be outside my comfort zone.

Week 2: Innovations
I enjoyed looking back on old projects and thinking about how I could improve it with the new knowledge I have now and considering new technologies since it inspires me to adventure more with my design work.

Week 3: Workflow
These tasks were interesting since I don't like the idea of generating lots of random designs and having the coding do it all for me, however, as frustrating as it got at times, I did think the whole idea of it was cool and could be a helpful tool in the future. This also gave me a moment to reflect on my workflow and how I deal with my projects.

Week 4: Production

Week 5: Distribution
Looking at these websites gave me inspiration and a new outlook on what I could do with my work. Looking at how interactive and fun these were to play about with and explore, it makes me wonder how I could do this with my own work in the future or change past work to further expand on it.