After looking at John Maeda's 10 Laws of Simplicity, I chose to focus on Law 7 - Emotions and Law 2 - Organise.
In design, I believe that emotions should play a big part on the process and outcome as it heavily influences decisions and choices. It shows the design is human and has thought behind it, it shows a story and give it a background. Many projects are built on emotions and opinions as well as many life choices are. With organise, it is important to keep tidy and your head in the right direction. I think this also goes hand in hand with emotions.
I like to use Figma to keep my ideas and mood boards organised since it can easily be used as a collaborative whiteboard and the layout makes it so it’s easily interactive and accessible. I find the structure of it allows me to keep things tidy and neat while it’s all close together, even when the canvas is infinite and any size you want.