Our first task was to work in small groups to create a campaign to make a public space more neurodivergent friendly. My group created a series of posters and stickers to put on lampposts/shop windows etc, to raise awareness to neurodiversities. We specifically focussed on volume control and personal space because loud and crowded environments can be particularly overwhelming to those with neurominorities.

However, after my elevator pitch, I decided to change my theme and create something using technologies as I don't think my team and I fully hit the brief. I used an app called Mix Pad to cut and mix several sounds and noises together to create an overstimulating soundscape. This would be used to show neutotypical people what a shopping experience might be like to someone who is neurodivergent. I included noises like coughing, beeps, crying children, dogs barking, crunching and general chatter.
Step Into My World
The aim of my campaign, Step Into My World, is to make neurotypical people have an understanding of what its like to navigate the world as someone who is neurodivergent. There could be fun and engaging challenges to this where people have to post a video of themselves on social media, listening to this soundscape with headphones on in a public place. People use the hashtag #stepintomyworld on their videos to raise awareness. The overall aim is for neurotypical people to be slightly more aware of their behaviour in public places and be understanding of those who may find it overwhelming.