100 Variations

100 Variations

On Monday 2nd December, we got given a brief which told us to generate 100 different book covers. At first look, I though that there was no way I could make a hundred distinct A5 variations. However, after our workshop on programming, this seemed like a walk in the park.

I downloaded an app called Processing which is used for all different types of coding and began to make some simple circles which I just previewed at the time. I thought that this software was so quick and easy compared to having to do this on Adobe Illustrator or Indesign which would've been very time consuming. I would highly recommend this software to anyone who needs a job doing quick or has to do multiple versions of something.

I found coding quite difficult at the beginning because I kept coming across many errors such as size() or that x/y wasn't a value. I overcame this by watching different tutorials and trying different codes. Eventually, I managed to resolve this issue and finally get an outcome. I am hoping that with some more practice I can build up my skills and use this software regularly as it is truly amazing and not time consuming at all, once you get the hang of things.

Below is the coding I ended up using.

I also decided to have a go at a colour hue I saw on the processing tutorials. Here is my outcome from following a video.