5.2 Process Document.

I've really enjoyed this module and have found it incredibly interesting. It has pushed me to experiment with new tools and technology which I would've otherwise been to intimidated to try. As a result of this its improved the efficiency of my workflow process from start to finish, providing me with new methods which allow me to place more focus of the creative process. Even though my knowledge is still minimal I feel a lot more confident in experimenting and trying to further develop my skills.

Week 1 -

A Visual Framework -

During the first week we began looking at John Maeda's Laws of Simplicity and more specifically how they could aid us in constructing a visual framework to act as a guide for our module. We were asked to select two laws to focus our framework around. I selected trust and reduce. Not only because I believe they apply to my current creative process as a designer but also two areas I'd like to look at further.

To further explore these ideas I went on to use a new software to me called Milanote to map out all initial thoughts I had as well as further research into the laws and ways I wanted to apply them. Trust is based on knowledge and how this can strengthen the design process whereas reduce is about eliminating all unnecessary elements to make the process smoother.

Visual Framework.
For week one we had to create a Visual framework to use as a guide for the rest of the module. We used John Maeda’s Laws of Simplicity as the basis for this and were asked to pick out two of the laws for our focus. I chose trust and

Inclusive Futures -

For the second task of the week we were focused on raising neurodiversity awareness in public spaces. Due to personal struggles with dyslexia I decided to choose this as my focus. After researching previous dyslexia campaigns such as DyslexiaScotlands' campaign 'there's nothing comic about dyslexia,' as well as looking into ways to aid dyslexia e.g. pastel colour.

I explored the idea of dissolving the previous negative stereotypes bestowed upon people with dyslexia in regards to their intelligence. To do this I was planning to highlight just how many difficulties they actually have to compete with and how easily they could be helped.

Navigating Public Spaces with Neurodiversity.
For our first week we were tasked with creating a campaign to raise awareness surrounding the issue of navigating and engaging with public spaces with neurodiversity. As someone who has dyslexia themselves I wanted this to be my focus. My Campaign. My campaign objective is to educate not only the

Week 2 -

Innovations -

For our first section of week 2 we were set a reflective task in which we had to select and educate ourselves on one technology from the seminar and assess how this could've improved a previous project of ours. I looked at how AI and specifically ChatGPT could've aided the development of my previous work in 4.2 where I was tasked with creating an app in support of my chosen small business. I had dismissed this as an option as I didn't think it could help me with the Figma coding however what I had failed to recognise was that whilst it couldn't produce the Sigma code for me it could have given me the steps required to do it myself. Which, in conclusion, would've made the whole process much more efficient and minimised room for error.

After my introduction to the module in week 1 I was intrigued to learn more about technologies and how they could aid my development as a graphic designer. The first seminar was really eye opening as to how influential technologies can be in aiding and improving a project. I learnt

Augmented Reality -

For week 2 we were set a task to introduce us to Adobe Aero. Using the skills we'd learn and developed in the workshops we were instructed to create a site specific AR project that interacts with or comments on the environment in the city. I wanted to link back to my previous task in week 1, where I discussed the stereotypes surrounding people with dyslexia and the struggles they face trying to process signage. However Adobe Aero as a software really intimidated me and I really struggled with this meaning I didn't achieve my desired outcome. Due to this I redeveloped my plan to fit within my skill set and whilst I recognise the outcome still isn't very strong I was still able to experiment with the range of actions and develop my skills slightly from nothing to something.

Augmented Reality.
Augmented reality software, in this case Adobe Aero, is something I had never experimented with nor had I ever thought to. To be completely transparent it was the area that intimidated me the most and that I actually struggled with the most within this module. We were tasked with using

Week 3 -

Workflows -

The introduction of Notion into my workflow I have enhanced a range of crucial factors such as my time management, organisational skills and ability to retain key knowledge. Notion is an adaptable software that allows me freedom to organise and keep track of all my design resources in the most effective way for me personally. I have began storing my research, useful links, draft write ups and even my to do lists here to help reduce the overwhelming feeling I can sometimes face when faced with a heavy workload. It is without a doubt a feature I am going to continue to use throughout my workflow it has allowed me to keep on track with the workload and crucial deadlines as well as enabling me to focus on the creative process.

This week, the focus was on improving our personal workflows through the use of different tools and technologies. I was shocked at how many options my research revealed. As someone who is easily overwhelmed by the number of steps in a project it was relieving to know there are so

Experimental Cover Designs -

For week 3 we were tasked with creating 100 book cover designs which were al different and yet still linked together as a family. This task was the one which was initially very daunting to me as I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of variations we had to create and trying to achieve this within the dedicated timeframe. However once I was introduced to Processing and discovered just how effortlessly this program was able to produce as many variations as I wanted with just a small amount of basic coding my worries were eased. Coding was always something I had immediately boxed off as being to difficult or technical for me and my skill level. But once I was pushed to see past this restrictive view I discovered that there were actually made the process quite simple. As long as I keep my code neat and organised whilst following the helpful guides and tutorials on processing.org it is something that is very much achievable. Whilst I recognise that the coding I have done is only the basics it has already boosted not only my confidence but also willingness to venture out more with this skill.

Experimental Cover Design.
For this project we were tasked with creating 100 separate book covers that were all different yet still looked like part of the same family. I used Processing to make my 100-page PDF. I created a series of grid designs that maintained a sense of structure and uniformity whilst also

Week 4 -

6 x 6 Briefs -

For this weeks brief I selected the objective 3 - create a personalised experience and the outcome 4 - an immersive 3D experience. I revisited my previous ideas from the Neurodiversity portion of the module. I wanted to look at how creating an immersive and personalised experience could help raise awareness and develop peoples' education surrounding mental health symptoms that aren't always obvious at a first glance. My plan was to use and augmented reality experience to achieve this.

6x6 Brief.
For this task I selected the objective 3 - create a personalised experience and the outcome 4 - an immersive 3D experience. To begin I started by researching and brainstorming anything that makes an experience personal or individual. For example peoples feelings, emotions, hobbies and so much more. Following on

Week 5 -

Brutalist Websites -

For week 5 we were tasked with researching various Brutalist websites. I discovered that the majority of these websites were raw and simplistic. They prioritised basic functionality over the aesthetics. However this wasn't always the case as sometimes the legibility of the websites was compromised by their slightly unpolished design elements.

Brutalist Websites.
I chose ‘RAW’ as my first website as its simple yet bold layout caught my attention. The functionality is priority in this design layout it s minimal and straight to the point. It follows a clear grid across all pages and yet the symmetry of the grid has been slightly

My Reflection -

This module has taken me outside of my comfort zone pushing me to explore a whole range of technologies with creative freedom. The structure of creating a blog post for each section has allowed me continuous reflection which has significantly aided my development throughout the module.

Before this module I was incredibly uneducated about most technologies and whilst I recognise I still definitely have much more to learn I can acknowledge the progress I have made and am excited to continue developing my skills further.

Having never tried anything like coding or Adobe Aero before I was both overwhelmed and honestly intimidated when beginning this mode. However, now that I am at the end of it my confidence has developed and I've realised just how capable I am as my understanding has progressed. Taking away the pressure of creating the 'perfect' outcome each time has made learning and experimenting throughout this module a really enjoyable experience.

Chloe Field

Chloe Field
