For this task I selected the objective 3 - create a personalised experience and the outcome 4 - an immersive 3D experience.
To begin I started by researching and brainstorming anything that makes an experience personal or individual. For example peoples feelings, emotions, hobbies and so much more.
Following on from this, and more specifically the subtopic of emotions, I started to think about how many different situations could actually benefit from people being able to view a personalised experience in which they can develop a better understanding of another individuals emotions. One of the areas I identified as being able to benefit from this is understanding of mental health issues.
The idea is to create a whole series of different augmented realities, each one depicting some of the everyday struggles faced by people with a variety of different mental disorders which may otherwise be invisible to those who aren't already aware. The entire concept links back to my key ideas from the neurodiversity portion of this module where I stated that some people are uneducated or simply just ignorant to the struggles of people with dyslexia as they couldn't see it for themselves. The same can be said for those with mental health issues. For example, a person with schizophrenia. On the outside they may just appear like any other person when in reality they could be battling multiple hallucinations just as you are looking at them. This is why I want to use technology to raise awareness.
The visual reality experiences would be customisable, each person able to choose both a location and mental illness to experience. For example, anxiety on a busy highstreet. The experience would start off normal documenting the view of an average person but, as it progressed it would slowly start to depict some of the symptoms of the selected mental illness. In this instance, for anxiety on a busy highstreet, vision may start to blur, sound becomes distorted and the walls of the experience start to close in.