
Brutalist websites

What is a brutalist website???? When the task was first explained immediately my question was what the hell is a brutalist website? I created a picture in my head of a bunch of

Brutalist Websites

The first website that caught my eye was definitely https://www.toiletpapermagazine.org/ The name was weird and intruiging, and it looked really colourful. I like how 'maximalistic' it looks, it&

Week 5 - Custom CCS

For this little experiment, I decided to edit my Brutalist Websites blog. I wanted to change this web page so that it looked more Brutalist, similar to the first website I talked about

Week 5 - Brutalist Websites

Upon looking at all the different Brutalist websites on brutaistwebsites.com, I noticed lots of variety, something which I thought did not exist when it came to Brutalism. Here are may favourite websites.