

After my introduction to the module in week 1 I was intrigued to learn more about technologies and how they could aid my development as a graphic designer. The first seminar was really


I wanted to focus on my 4.4 project from level 4 with the photography brief. Looking back at my outcome, I looked at colour picking, swatches and location which I thought would

Week 2 5.2.2

5.2.2 Past project- 4.2 book project I would choose the book cover that we completed last year in 4.2.I would incorporate the ai tool in photoshop in order

4.2 Book Cover Reflection

Artificial Intelligence When I was making my book cover, AI technologies like ChatGPT and DALL·E could have been really useful. I would have been able to improve notions, generate original ideas, and

Week 3 - My Workflow

What my workflow looks like: * Step 1 - interpreting the brief * Step 2 - initial research * Step 3 - brainstorming ideas * Step 4 - trying out initial design ideas * Step 5 - Further,

5.2 - reflections

Using Data-Driven Design for Leeds Playhouse Rebranding I created a rebranding for Leeds Playhouse last year, but after researching data-driven design, I discovered that applying these concepts can improve the process and guarantee

5.2 process document

In the 5.2 module I explored different contemporary graphic design practices. Acquiring skills in new technologies. I found the process of experimentation eyeopening, as I was introduced to possibilities for my work

my stance on AI- chat GPT

when weighing up the pros and cons of AI and the use of chat GPT especially in education settings, many factors have to be considered as positives and negatives. Perspective of a Speech

key research

This is a collection of artists, designers and other creatives that have found throughout this module that are especially interesting to me. All research featured in this post heavily focuses on the possibilities

medium- blogging platform

'Platforms such as Medium enable easy publishing of written content, with a focus on individual voices and niches.' The platform Medium was very similar to Ghost in terms of functionality and

Reflection 19/11/24

Due to some technical difficulties, I couldn't publish this around the time it was set. For the 1st first-year project, I made a mini sculpture of the broadcasting tower with moss

4.1 Project Reflection

Thinking back on previous projects I have done, 4.1 sticks out to me as a project that could have been taken further than just using the one piece of software I did

Branding, 3D Modelling, Wizard Stuff.

Looking back on previous projects from last year and realizing how much progress I've made personally within the design sector has made me look at projects a little differently, during my

5.1 New Technologies Reflection

For the 5.1 typography module, I had to create a type specimen based on the Prangram Prangram typeface, Editorial Old. This was made in InDesign and then into a physical document focusing