Red Blood Cell and Frame by frame Animation

Red Blood Cell and Frame by frame Animation

Red Blood Cells created in Cinema4D.

I really like getting to learn Cinema 4d as I have never used it before. I have only really used blender a bit, so this is a new experience for me. We started off by learning the different tools and navigating the axis by modelling the cells using modifiers and deformers.

In the next part,, we made the white blood cells and added textures to make it more realistic. We were shown how to render using different programs as well. 

Then we were shown how to model the capillaries and animate the blood cells inside. I did find this part quite tricky so my capillaries art ended up looking a bit deformed at the end. I managed to make part of the animation until we had to move onto animating on photoshop.

We then had a go at  frame by frame animation on Photoshop. I found this much easier than Cinema 4D. I really enjoyed it and it’s definitely something I would use in future projects. After making the fireworks I used Eadweard Muybridge’s photo frames to help trace over and create an animation. Unfortunately an issue happened where when I attempted to save it, it crashed!

Brianah Smith

Brianah Smith

I make whatever comes to mind. I enjoy making collages, posters and illustrations. :3