In the session I did with John using the Wacom pads to create an animation I really enjoyed it and would defiantly try this in my own time and in future projects. it was refreshing to draw something myself and see it come to life.
In this session I learnt that photoshop can be used to create animations, I only made very basis animation as we only had a small amount of time but what I did I really enjoyed and if I had more time I would have been able to create something much more detailed.
This was the first animation I did with John talking the class through it:
I had a little time at the end of the lesson so I made something of my own:
I did another simple animation but this times of a bee flying to a flower :)
In the future I will definitely use this tool in my work, or even just have fun with it in my spare time. I defiantly need to refine my knowledge of how to create a decent animation but I am more than willing to do so and I know John linked some useful videos to watch on cadg.