When I begin a project, I start by writing down my initial ideas and thoughts on a mind map and draw compositional sketches after conducting research and looking at different media. I then take to illustrator usually to make moodboards and begin the initial stages of designing after I have done some research and brainstorming. I also use the notes app on my phone to make key points about the brief and to do lists, so that I can organise my thoughts to be a little less overwhelming. Sometimes I find that I get ahead of myself, and start ‘designing’ before I have conducted research or brainstormed.
Although there are plenty of digital/Ai solutions to help enhance workflow, I do quite like writing down my ideas and using pen and paper as an initial brainstorming point, and to help me visualise what my outcome could look like in the beginning design stages. And it also means that I can access it 24/7 even if the Wifi or internet is down.
Something that I struggle with in briefs is organising my thoughts and getting overwhelmed with ideas. Applications like Milanote and Notion would help me to be more efficient in collating ideas all in one place, rather than using 3 or 4 different applications. I also found Milanote to be really easy to use and I liked the user experience of it. Notion seems a little overwhelming at first, however I think if I just take time to learn it and explore it, it could be a really useful tool. I also have found that I turn to only pinterest to visually research briefs. Since there have been lots of suggestions about many different websites for this module (some of which I have uploaded to this website already), I am beginning to broaden my sources of inspiration not just to digital references but to analogue too.
After scrolling through the list of suggestive workflow sites, I came across Planimo. I haven’t been able to use it yet, but I have signed up for it and I like the lighthearted aesthetic. An application like this would be really useful to help me with time management, as I also struggle with motivation and seeing things through till the end (without external pressures). It would help reduce my stress if I was able to meticulously plan my day and have it all there to see, rather than just having it in my head, taking up headspace.