To begin this task I first had to identify my current workflow and method of response to briefs. After thinking and reflecting on previous tasks I came up with a diagram explaining how I currently work.

After identifying this I decided to look deeper into each stage to see where I could improve. At the initial stages of experimentation I identified an inefficiency with my methods of brainstorming on Adobe Illustrator, as uploading images and having a large enough workspace soon becomes a problem. To improve this I could explore with the likes of Figma that allows for an endless workspace and ease of mind map creation to visualise all my ideas together. However, this wouldn't allow for small logo edits or other changes that Illustrator would let me make which may lead to more difficulties than I initially faced.
While the solution to this next issue may not require a new technology, a change is definitely needed. When test printing I need to do it to scale. Experimenting with different point size, different logo size and how they work together, rather than printing off a final product mockup. This could be done simply on any technology I currently use to produce. As a result of this new change my work will feel more cohesive and finalised much quicker. Saving me money and time with less print tests and experiments.
Finally, after reflecting on the whole process I realised there was a stage missing from my workflow. I lack lots of prior research and gathering inspiration. Adding this to my process will improve my work greatly and may speed up my idea generation. At the moment I often use what I know and am comfortable with to influence my design choices, however this may make my work similar and unoriginal. From this point forward I am going to improve all these steps and make these needed changes to my workflow, resulting in optimisation in my response to briefs and the design process.