5.2.3 Identifying Workflow Enhancements

My workflow usually involves researching, brainstorming ideas, choosing a concept and experimenting. Experimentation is a huge stage in my work flow, I try to make multiple different iterations at once and compare. I do this until I successfully reach my desired final outcome. This process is very messy, I encounter difficulties with the organisation of my iteration files. I often find that I have missing links or it takes me a bit of time to find the particular file I am looking for. I definitely need to be more organised. I have recently came across a lot of tools, strategies and software features that could potentially help me with this problem. One strategy, is that I could write a list of all the saving and packaging steps I need to do for when I have finished an iteration. I could write this list on the software "Task Paper", as it lets you cross off each step once completed. This could help make sure I don't forget steps and help me keep on top of saving and organising my files. In addition, I could even use some file management softwares to help with my organisation and make it easier to find files. Some examples of file management software features I could use are: Commander One, Eagle and Alfred. These are all beneficial ways that I could improve my workflow.