The first website that I looked at was I like the layout of this website once i was able to understand that you use the keys to navigate and that the logo at the bottom was actually a menu button that could allow the user to directly navigate through the menu rather than a full journey of steps to find their desired page.

You load in onto a page that makes you press a button named ‘Explore Utopia World’ which then takes you to the website's content.

Once you are in the site ‘exploring you are on a rolodex style wheel of content that you can pick and choose from. Before I realised menu buttons were available to the user for better way finding I struggled to navigate this site so I feel this could definitely be signposted better and more highlighted for improving user navigation.

The second website that I looked at was:
I like the simplistic list layout that is used on this website as it helps hold the information really clear and concisely by only displaying the project names and year it was created

Once you click on one of the projects from the list it folds out to show an image or recording of the work and a short description of what it is plus a web link if the project has one.

I really like this website for its minimalist design and use of whitespace. The layout is very clean cut and extremely simple whilst still being well created for user navigation.
The third website that I looked at was:

It is a very complex website for a magazine with lots of different menu tabs however this has been done for the ease of wayfinding for the user to find selected products and shop with ease. I liked this website a lot as each tab and menu for each step of using the shop is clearly labeled for the user to get through quickly.

I like how the first page you see is kept clear and uncluttered and everything is in its own section. This reminds me of having a clean desktop which is very aesthetically pleasing to view and navigate.