For week one we had to create a Visual framework to use as a guide for the rest of the module. We used John Maeda's Laws of Simplicity as the basis for this and were asked to pick out two of the laws for our focus. I chose trust and reduce. As someone who doesn't enjoy being swamped with multiple complicated steps and decisions I am all for reducing and editing out unnecessary steps and even better than that being able to trust in the few remaining steps.

I created the above mood board to try and portray the essence of the two laws and highlight how they are going to link to my creative process. I did this by gathering a collection of materials including extracts from the book itself, colour swatches, interesting visual inspiration and helpful links.
I have concluded that trust is all about knowledge. The more knowledge a system has about you, the less you have to think and the more you know about the system, the greater control you can exact. Whereas reduce is exactly as it seems, it's all about reducing and filtering out or as some view it hiding the unnecessary steps.
During the seminar we were shown multiple software that could assist with this I chose to experiment with 'Milanote' as I'm someone who likes to just 'brain dump' out all my initial thoughts and feelings on a project and gather any necessary resources. Milanote was incredibly helpful for this as whilst my initial mindmap might not be much right now it is a never-ending page. This means that it is never really finished and nothing is final. I can and will continuously add ideas and any other materials I discover along the way.