The workflow I have chosen is my research workflow, as I feel it's the thing I struggle with most throughout my projects. I find researching really difficult a lot of the time, and I especially struggle to find resources. Most of the time, I tend to go straight into an Adobe software to get started right away on my design, disregarding any research and having to do the research during the designing process. I definitely need to get better at learning to do lots of research that actually does inspire me, instead of looking at things that don't, and then use that research as inspiration to then start drafting ideas for my design. Having that research and drafting time is something I need to get better at, and I want to look for technologies that could potentially help with that.
I looked on the Use Tools design website - and found a good selection of interesting resources for designers. I love how this website has sections for what sort of design tools you might be looking for, so I used the 'inspiration' section and found a few sources that could help inspire that initial drafting and research stage of my designing workflow.

I want to try and look into downloading some browser extensions and some free bits of software that might help with writing and research, as that's what I want to improve on. I want to take the opportunity for this module to really experiment with technology and find what works for me and what things I can utilise for my future and use in upcoming projects.
I think it would be cool to find resources that allow me to create collections of images, something similar to Pinterest maybe, but more design-based, as I feel like this would be an interesting way to collect resources and research in order to help inspire me and start drafting.
Also, my boyfriend just recently gave me his old gaming PC, so I'm really excited to set that up and experiment with not only games, but browser extensions and other apps and design software, I might even try and get into video editing and 3D software, as the 3D workshops are really inspiring me to start that.