Compilation of my 100 posters
This task was probably my favourite within the module, I really enjoyed learning how coding worked and found the results very rewarding.
When using processing, as I had no idea how to code or how it worked, I often used chatGPT to help me with any problems I had in my coding. For example;

Here I wanted to use the code to change the colours I was using so instead of it randomising every colour, It would use the colours I had specifically told it to use when generating the posters. This way I could achieve the result I wanted, as I didn't like a lot of the colours it was generating originally.
However, I had no idea how to do this so I asked chatGPT to teach me how to do this. I found it so useful and I learnt more about how to use chatGPT in the correct way (letting it teach me how to do something instead of getting it to do it all for me).
I also used the processing website to help me with some code. I found they had lots lessons on their website:

I loved the look of this code and knew I wanted to add this to my posters. I watched the tutorials on how to use the code and was able to add the code to mine making the circles on my poster have 3 variables of colour. Creating this amazing effect;