Within the 5.2 module, I wanted to focus on trying lots of different softwares, approaches and ways of working in relation to technologies. Sampling and trying out the basics in lots of different things has led me to new avenues in regards to my methods of design and typical workflows. Digging deep into what may be hindering and holding my efficiency back has helped me realise efficient design
processes and how I can better organise these issues with the help of technology.
Highlighting technology I wouldn't have ever considered using ranging from Cinema 4D to code Processing has portrayed many new definitions of what graphic design is for me in terms of introducing alternative tech currently shaping industry. Prior to this module, I don't think I was aware of just how broad technology is in relation to graphic design, and the array of tools available that can be used to experiment with ideas and produce outcomes. I have challenged myself to be open to try out new things, engaging and looking into lesser used softwares within Adobe such as Aero exploring basics of Augmented Reality. After writing up about how AR could have been integrated into my 4.4 publication, it made me aware of the bigger picture of possibility and how I can take my ideas further than just static designs, but giving them motion or interaction. This can make design more interesting inclusive of multiple platforms that have the ability to reach a larger volume of people and diverse audiences.
Due to the pace of this module, it has meant there has been time for me to explore things that stray away from set briefs, delving into more personal interests. Despite this, I have also enjoyed being tasked with briefs that have producing surprising and interesting outcomes which have been in the technical sessions with Jon. I have enjoyed using the Ghost platform in order to document things that have informed me in this module, posting and writing up my opinions and technologies that have interested me. Shown as an example in the seminar, I have also tried Medium, a platform in relation to documentation and publication.
Although I haven't tried out all of the tools and softwares we have been shown, I think even just being aware of the evolving technology available is a really interesting insight to have because it means in the future I am understanding of things I can do to enrich my workflow and designs. Something that has helped support this is that I created a post on Ghost that I have been dedicating to add to each week with research into areas that are new, and areas I am interested in to see what other creatives are producing. Adding a selection of key findings into 1 area of this blog post allows a useful bank of references in relation to technology I can always refer and come back to in future.
Now at the end of this module I have gained skills making me more experimental in a digital manner, pushing me out of my comfort zone as I am typically more drawn to analogue and physical approaches in creating outcomes such as screen print and letterpress. I think my interests in terms of technology have remained the same however 5.2 has shown me many new methods outside of usual digital design mediums for example InDesign, a digital software I was comfortable with. I have been pushed into thinking more about how technology can be incorporated into graphics to produce interesting outcomes and ideas.
Research and Ideas.

Reflection and Opinion.

Software and new found tools in practice.