My opinion on technology especially the areas that seemed very complex and foreign was that it would be too difficult for me to learn and with the way I work probably not useful. Over the process of completing this module, my opinion on technologies has warped, changed and developed into something different. In some cases, it has remained the same, but being a more informed opinion.
Visual frame-work
when the first task of the module was to pick two laws that represented our process and create a visual framework for how we wanted our final process document to look and to represent i really didnt understand but enjoyed reating a mindmap with ideas, resouces and images. Now at the end of the project i see how the 2 laws that i chose were not only a good choice but represent how i want to work in the future;
time and difference

My workflow is something that for a while ive known could be improvedd and helped with technology, i thought the small changes wouldnt be worth it and that the majority of the ideas and mindmapping process would stay on paper. However Ive found multiple researces that fundamentally changed how i will start, document ideas and research for projects. The two main sites are figma and milanote . ive written about how i used and plan contue to use figma in my workflow blog, whereas milanote i only just started using when completing the blog posts and this process document. I found it helpful to track what needs to be done by when and having a running to do list i can quickly flip to and check off.
Using technologie within my design process and workflow is something i will continue to explore and find new ways to change and adapt. Somehting i will look into next is a calendar organise my time.

Brutalist websites
This task was one i found really fun as exploring wierd websites with interesting functions is something i enjoyed doing anyway. so this was an extension and a new researce for something i already did and will continue to do .

Starting this project i didnt realise that i would have so many pages souround and using the idea of projection. It spiraled from exploring projection as a technology i could have used in a past project to then researching different types of projections and ideas of how it could be usedin the future. I think im really drawn towards projection as it can mesh physical and traditional art with technology well whilst also creating a space and experience as art.

New tech
I explored and reflected on different kinds of technologies, experiencing some in person. Some which I would be happy and eager to use in the future (projection mapping and drones). Others that maybe i won't lean towards but I certainly wont be as quick to turn down (AR).

6 x 6
This was my most exciting project, which I dedicated a lot of time and energy into, whilst I wasn't successful in creating a working program (yet) I've learnt a lot and branched many paths that I might continue to follow in the future. Some of which include; pixel art, pixel game design, coding and creating games. This project challenged me a lot and made me go out of my way to research and try things, even if they didn't get the results I wanted it catapulted me right out of my comfort zone.

At the beginning of this module I thought I was going to struggle and hate it because I’ve never been interested in things that are very technology based like coding and VR. Some areas I definitely struggled to understand and grasp (coding and 3d modelling) but even so it was educational and in some areas I enjoyed more than I expected too. I think even though the module has put more of a positive light on technology in general for me it‘s not going to completely change my ways. I’m not going to be trying to do any 3d modelling any time soon and I definitely still like my physical processes and creations. But technologies will be more present even if thats just planning and organising, but I suspect it’ll find more ways to join my way of working.