I wanted to focus on my 4.4 project from level 4 with the photography brief. Looking back at my outcome, I looked at colour picking, swatches and location which I thought would be intresting to develop on further. I liked how there was different lighting levels and how this was projected onto the surrounding areas and environment.
What inspired me was Extraordinary Facilities: Seeing CO2 project. This visualises the CO2 in the air and creates a picture for players to see how much carbon dioxide is produced and how that might look compared to buildings and things in person. https://extraordinaryfacility.com/co2/
I like the idea of creating something that is a visual representation or emphasis on something that is already there. This will change my project by showcasing what I wanted to stand out about the project and creating a colour palette from surrounding areas and lighting. If I had done this along with the project at the time, I would've had the booklet focusing more on photography and the typography and then had this AR project to showcase the colours and colour codes. Of which this could influence other projects in the future if I want to make several things the main point of the project and expand my outcomes and results.
To try and picture my idea, a device will scan an area using a camera and will take the main colours shown and produce a few select colour palettes from the lighting, surrounding colours and prominent areas. From this the user can create a selection of colour palettes and it can be changed and altered and create collections for projects. This will also provide the HEX code, RBG code and CMYK code so it can be used across all design software.