The first website I looked at was Happening Studio: Tokyo. Initially I clicked on it as it looked quite chaotic and colourful, however the actual website was quite minimal, which is actually more in line with the two Laws that I chose for the project, Learn and Trust.
My overall impression of the website is that its easy to navigate and clear to understand. An aspect of the design that works well, in my opinion is the 3 coloured dots that travel with you while you scroll, however I'm not a huge fan of the layout.

The second website I explored was Divs, a food and drink company that sell healthy snacks and beverages. I really like the doodles that are included in this website, such as the background of the image above, and also the icons for all the information feels personalised and inline with the colour scheme. There's also some fun animations as you scroll through which is unique, and the website makes me want to invest in the product.
I like the layout of the website, there's clear information and and its easy to navigate. This website definitely matches my principles of learn and trust.

The third website I looked at was Route. immediately, I was drawn to how interactive this website it. I like how the time is ticking in the bottom corner and hw as you scroll around, there is a finger pointing and when you hover over something that can be clicked, it turns to a hand. Like the others, I did find this website easy to navigate and I liked the colours. Although to be honest, I'm not really sure what the website is, whether its a shop/studio/both?