Augmented Reality, personalised  Nerf game

Augmented Reality, personalised Nerf game

For the 6x6 brief, I decided to go for what I originally thought would be the most difficult of the 6 which was number 3: Create a Personalised Experience. I combined this with the interactive physical objects outcome.

My idea was to create an interactive Nerf game, which responds to the real darts fired from the blaster. As well as this I wanted to make the experience personal, by allowing users to use their own images and faces on the moving targets to make it more fun and engaging for users.

Many AR shooter games have been created however I couldn't find any which actually interacted with real bullets or real life actions, nor could I see a personalised experience.

I used Adobe Aero to create my first prototype for the game, using the bot models provided and putting my own face on top of them. I arranged them in an arena sort of area and tried it out a few times in my kitchen for reference. I used the animations provided on Aero to make them interact with the bullets.

Unfortunately I did not have the equipment available to actually make the Nerf darts interact with the online app however I planned it out. I would need to use some sort of motion sensor like a Kinect which can track the darts fired. I would implement CV libraries like OpenCV to detect the dart’s position and calculate its trajectory and then combine this with Aero’s AR to create reactions when the dart "hits."

Despite this I was still able to create a prototype which clearly represents what the game could/would look like. It is pretty rough but I think it gives a clear visual idea.
