I did a few tasks and animations on After Effects last year, so I already had a brief idea of how the software worked. However, this workshop not only helped me refresh my memory, but it also taught me lots of new skills, such as adding effects like glitches. This really highlighted to me that there is a never ending amount of things that you can do in technology, and how you never stop learning. Here is my animation that I created in the workshop. It is also on my journal.
5 min read
6 x 6 - tarot card
Chosen brief: Generate something new
Starting this project I already had a brief idea of what I wanted to do but not which brief and outcome they would fall under. I decided to
3 min read
Immersive technologies
Going into the workshops my understanding and knowledge of AR and all immersive technologies was next to none. I had tried a VR headset but that's about it. When Graham led
3 min read
Experiencing projection mapping
One of the first tasks in the 5.2 module was to reflect on a previous project and explore a new technology would could have been incorporated theoretically. I chose and researched projection,