Going into this module, I was sceptical as I hadn't previously encountered or thought about different technologies during my work process. As I normally lean towards more physical methods, I hadn't looked into new emerging technologies and only stuck to the programmes I needed to know. However, throughout the module, I became more engaged with learning and understanding these new things to see how they could aid me in the future. It was quite challenging at times as everything was so new, especially with coding and cinema 4D where everything had to be done correctly to achieve the end goal.
The tool which I enjoyed learning about the most would be animation in Photoshop, as it pairs together physical elements as well as technology, which made me connect with it more. It was also really satisfying seeing it all come together at the end. This was also one of the only parts of the module where we were working towards an outcome which i'm used to rather than just prototyping.
I struggled the most with coding and processing as that was completely new, and everything had to be set perfectly for it to work. Unlike other software, it also didn't highlight where any problems were ,which made it a lot more time-consuming.
As well as using technologies to create a finished outcome, I also enjoyed planning and creating ideas on how to use different programmes for a bigger project in the future. This included our first weeks task on neurodivergence awareness, the 6x6 task and how I could improve a past project. It meant I was able to be completely free to be ambitious without being worried about how exactly I would achieve the outcome.
I will be keen to further looking into new things in the future and how I can add these to help my future workflow and not get left behind whilst the innovation of graphic design continues. I already started doing this with certain aspects of my work but will definitely see how i can implement it across more angles of everyday life. I have also learnt through this module to stick with it and be more thoughtful through the creative process to limit mistakes and also understand what i'm doing and the impact it'll have rather than just copying a tutorial.