5.2 Process Document

I found this module to be quite interesting and challenging, it has made me expand my knowledge of technology while also allowing me to gain new useful skills. This module has allowed me to engage with technologies that I had limited understating with, and has given me more confidence when working with new programs. Although I found some bits difficult, I feel like I am able to gain a much better understanding of these new skills; such as 3D modelling and coding.

Week 1

A Visual Framework

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/fivepoint2/a-visual-framework-3/

During the first week, we were asked to look at John Maeda's 10 Laws of Simplicity and then told to pick two that resonated with us and our goal. While looking I found all his laws to be very interesting but two caught my attention, these being knowledge and failure. I like the aspect of knowledge and how Jon writes it, about how you can always expand what you are learning, and this project is what I hope to achieve. The aspect of failure I find interesting as well, with that you can always achieve your goals by finding solutions that fit you no matter what others say.

Raising Neurodiversity Awareness in Public Spaces

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/5-2-raising-neurodiversity-awareness-in-public-spaces/

The other project this week was to create a campaign about Neurodiversity Awareness. I was working with Dylan Stocks on this project and with our research we decided to focus on awareness of sensory overloads. While researching we found many people with this awareness have a lot of difficulties going outside with the fear they may suffer from a sensory attack. This is when we had the idea to have an area people who suffer from this condition can go to to feel secure, as well as spread awareness. As me and Dylan live together it was easy to collaborate on this project just using PowerPoint. We then presented our idea to the class, getting feedback which helped us develop our ideas further.

Week 2

Reflective Exploration of Emerging Technologies

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/the-use-of-ai-in-app-development/

In this second week for our first task, we asked to go back and explore our old projects, to think about what technologies we can use to improve our work or make it easier. I found this interesting and liked exploring the possibilities of using advanced technologies in my work, the most interesting I found was AI, such as Matt Webb's use of AI to make an app. This idea intrigued me, and I knew the perfect project that could use the help of AI when making it, this being my app for Beryl Bikes. Understanding that the use of AI could be used to help make an app will help me with future projects, and make the app development as a whole simplified.

An Augmented Reality Intervention

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/5-2-2-an-augmented-reality-intervention-7/

This next task was to create an AR project in the city of Leeds. I found this project to be very hard and confusing, as this term was my first time experimenting with 3D modelling and the AR world. At the start, I was very ambitious and tried to take on a challenge but soon realised I needed to do some more learning. I took to YouTube to try to learn more but I was still quite puzzled. In the end, I ended up with a simplistic design that was quite lacklustre. Next time I work with Aero and AR software, I'll try to learn more skills that will help me.

Week 3

 Experimental Cover Design

check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/fivepoint2/5-2-2-experimental-cover-design-5/

For this week, we were asked to make 100 cover variations that are similar to Experimental Editions Ltd. This is another project I found to be quite challenging as I have a very limited knowledge of coding, only from what I learned on Scratch in high school. The assistance of Graham's code allowed me to make a design that I found was unique and appealing. However, I struggled to add typography to these covers while coding and instead used Illustrator to achieve this. When working with code again I will try to practice writing code as I find it to be quite difficult to remember all the steps, and possibly use the assistance of AI to help me.

Ive uploaded all my 100 variations to CAGD under '5.2 A5 100 cover variations' on my files. Sorry for the inconvenience I couldn't figure out how to on here.

Identifying Workflow Enhancements

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/fivepoint2/5-2-3-identifying-workflow-enhancements-10/

This task involved identifying workflows and how we can identify tools and techniques to improve our workflow. I found this task to be another interesting one as there are more and more new technologies that help us with workflow, as well as thinking about how much the way we work has changed. I decided to focus on using shortcuts and file managers to help workflow. I was surprised with the amount of shortcuts you can achieve with your keyboard and learning these has helped me speed up my process when working substantially. The use of a file manager is a great modern tool to use as well, my only problem is that some require payment and some of the free ones don't work that well.

Week 4

6 × 6 Briefs

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/5-2-4-6-x-6-briefs-3/

For this task, we were asked to develop an idea for a project with 6 distinctive briefs. I decided to go with brief three, which was to create a personalised experience. I wanted to choose something that has become undervalued with the advancement of technology, this being photography as my focus point. By bringing light back on photography will allow to become appreciated again as it once was. To do this I wanted my project to involve a set of cameras from each era of the 100 years or so, showing the evolution of photography. These ideas I came up with really engaged with me and I wanted to try to make this experience work well and allow people to engage with the project as well as create a personalised experience for them.

Week 5

Research Task: Brutalist Websites dot com

Check my post here - http://leeds.graphics/fivepoint2/5-2-5-research-task-brutalist-websites-dot-com-8/

This final week, we were asked to explore different web pages from BrutalistWebsites.com and write a short overview of what we enjoyed from each one. I liked this task, viewing different websites I hadn't seen before and the different features each one had. When exploring I liked the websites that weren't conventional to your traditional website and made some of these unique, my favourites being; Travis Scott and Design Hyper Studio. I would like to revisit some of these websites as a lot of them had distinctive designs that I would like to bring to my work.

Custom CSS Theming

For this task we were asked to personalise one of our pages on Leeds.Graphics. However I found this task to be extremely difficult and was unable to complete it. No matter what I tried every time I saved my webpage as a HTML there would be an error or it would save without any code.