Utrecht website
The overall impression of the website is that its simple. Although the website is simple, I find it easy to navigate and find where things are. Keeping the colour scheme to only two colours allows the main content to stand out more and not get lost in the design. The type used on the website is a bold sans serif which makes it legible and easy to understand. Although the red works with the white background at the bottom of the page when there is red against the white text, I find that its quite imposing and makes the text less legible.

Two much studio website
When first loading the website there was a slight delay and I didn’t like how the text flashes at you. When you eventually reach the main page there is lots of objects moving around and I found this quite overwhelming and confusing. When looking at the drop-down menu and hovering over a product to look at, the word flashes which I find quite problematic, and I think it’s something they should change. However, I do like the scrap book layout when you choose one of the pages to explore because it’s quite fun looking at the different animations and designs.

Grafik website
I liked the layout of this website and how it has an editorial feel. When you first open the website there is a typographic animation which I thought was quite fun and playful. The website is quite easy to navigate, and I found that I like how they use the layout to present their portfolio of work and projects. However, at the moment, when clicking on any of the portfolio you are taken to the same page. This could because they have only got one main project to show at the moment. The typography is legible and easy to follow.