To develop the publication further, I would use AR to bring out the pages of images and illustrations to bring them to life as well as using an animation. For instance, my area was Leeds canal, therefore on some of the pages I used part of the river and water near the surroundings. Therefore, by animating the image to look like the water was moving and also use AR to bring the illustration/ image to life.
On other pages of the publication, I had collage elements which I think would be fun to abstract it further with AR and add animation to it and make it interactive by having facts and movement to the different fragments of the river to guess what the image was originally of before abstracted and have it as a guessing game.
I would also select a few pages from the publication when in AR they would be enlarged, and you be able to walk through the layers of the illustration/ collage which would add more to the initial idea of being able to go on a journey around the canal. Use AR to project effects using your phone onto different areas of the canal space. It could also be turned into a treasure hunt for younger children. Using a QR code on different parts of the space you would be able to learn facts about the area and the history of the space. As well as using AR to reveal what the canal used to look like over a period of time.