To start this project I had to find something I had no idea how to do.
For this I ended up choosing coding, more specifically in Java, as even simple coding I never understood. So something as complex as the Java Script would normally prove a challenge.
To look into emerging technologies I chose to look into the assistance that AI can provide to someone who knows nothing. In the Monday class we looked at how it can analyse a screenshot you give it and help you navigate around, which eventually turned into guess work so we had to remind it to get actually correct information. As stated I know nothing about coding so planned to use AI to help me edit given code from another project in order to make it fit the given brief.

Being able to almost instantly get required changes is an impressive technological advancement. Especially when it labels the code to describe what it does. Chat GBT also ends up telling you what changes it has actually made, helping you understand what has been done and why. This information was set out in a clear and consistent way that made it very simple and easy to understand.

Looking into the brief it required the printed text to be no smaller than 24 points. As I was unsure what size the code would be making I had to ask the AI, in which it gave me a clear response to my answer, along with an explication and examples. Using this information I was able to find the bit of code that set the text size and change it to a more suitable 30 points.

The process of using AI as an instructor is very easy which is good as it means anyone can learn anything while having personal assistance. However the methods in which it may learn this information can be unethical, as some AIs are trained using real peoples work and research, with no credit given. This along with the fact that it isn't a real person giving you information, as well as other things that AI has been trained to do, such as art, writing, editing, etc. Creates a separation in AI supporters and dislikes. As more and more companies employ AI in their tools, more and more people seem useless and not needed, such as Adobe and their support for generative AI making artists seem replaceable.