(This brief was to create 100 A5 posters. Each cover had to feature a grid of randomly sized circles and be contained within a square aligned at the bottom of the page. This task, normally, would be very strenuous and time-consuming if we hadn't been introduced to coding. Using the processing software, I started by using code to create different-sized white circles on a grey page. However, after becoming used to the software, I was able to change the colours of the circles as well as the colours of the pages, therefore creating randomised pages.
Below is an example of the coding that I used to create these pages.

While I still found the coding a little tricky, I found it a lot easier than producing the posters one by 1, as well as it being a lot less time-consuming. It also allowed me to produce outcomes that I wouldn't have thought of doing myself.
In the future, I will consider coding if given a time-consuming task, and this workshop allowed me to see the opportunities coding can give. I now understand the ways new technologies can allow me to reduce wasted time and improve my productivity and time efficiency.