In week 2, we looked creating Augmented Reality on a software called Aero. After learning about the software in a workshop, our task was to create a site-specific AR project that interacts with or comments on the environment in the city.
For this task, my idea was to link it in with the previous weeks task- dyslexia within the workplace. For the location, I chose a spot in the middle of business blocks on Wellington street, Leeds, as this is where my target audience will primarily be.
For this AR experience, I animated/programmed my text so that when you initially look at the intervention it says "disability", and when you walk closer this changes to "different ability", to highlight how being dyslexic should actually be seen as a strength and not a weakness. To do this, I hid and shown letters at different times, depending on the users proximity, this is shown below.

Overall, I really enjoyed this task and using this software "Aero". Before this workshop, I didn't know a lot about AR, or if it was possible for me to even do it. However, this really opened my eyes to how accessible and possible it is these days to create your own AR experience. I definitely want to practice and incorporate Aero and AR more in my future work as I find it very interesting and enjoyable.