5.2.2 An Augmented Reality Intervention

With the use of Adobe Aero, I have created a series of interactive animation. The animation will start once user comes closer to the objects - bear and armadillo, and trigger 'distance point', which then will start the animation.
The concept of the Augmented Reality is fascinating as it allows the user to present and experience something not physical, obtained in the same space with just the use of camera in the phone.


Very good use of AR is an implementation of architectural models, and interior design concepts within spaces, as it allows the users to directly experience, experiment and visualise the plans and ideas.
Usage of AR and VR - Virtual Reality, provide 'Mixed Reality' where users can edit and fully interact with objects obtained within these two world. Good example of the use of these two technologies is based in engineering industry, or even art and design.
VR provides tools for artists and designers to create 2D or 3D artworks, which then can be imported to AR, where audience can interact with it. One of the examples, can be found in this video presenting usage of Virtual Reality and 3D painting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsLfEioGJBg
