fivepoint2 process-document

In the past year and a half I have done nearly all my design work digitally on Macs with very little of my process being physical the only real physical work is either printing out or some modelling I did with photography and some with lego due to me not believing in my skills at drawing or sketching in any way. I have learnt during this Module the use of Artificial intelligence to help guide and produce ideas for me to help expand my mind maps with fresh and new ideas. I would like to start using tools to help maximise my production and efficiency to allow me to do more adaptations and make a wider range of variations of final designs. Like I spoke about in fivepoint2 workflow and research using things such as Alfred and commander one to organise my files including all the screenshots and ideas I have in one place to help reduce time finding the files I need.

I do believe up until the workshops during 5.2 my few skills were limited to photoshop and illustrator but with help from Jon and the workshops and the small briefs it has stopped me from relying on photoshop and illustrator for future projects as I now can use software like adobe aero and redshift as well as AR to an extent. This helps me to create 3D projects and helps me model things in a more realistic way so I can see if my designs work in the way I intended them to in person rather than just on a screen. I have also had limitations from tools requiring large space on my Mac so I haven't had the chance to really use and improve my skills as best as I would have liked.

I very rarely adapt the default of tools however if I am ever shown a version of settings I really like by fellow student or lecturers I do normally then make sure they are on all the time I do however always shrink my side bar to be as thin as possible as I like a very plain and undisturbed screen to help me focus and keep myself on the straight and narrow.

I have been recently been trying AR and 3D modelling on cinema 4D also I have been using AI to help me with ideas and techniques on tools like programming if I didn't know how to do specific tasks which is another tool I have been doing using sketch to make posters and other tasks I have been set.

The custom theming I was struggling to edit the code but google dev has AI to help you which I used to help edit the code to change the colours and font of the text as well as change the colour of the highlight box which is something I wouldn't of been able to do without the help that the AI gave me. Another project was the AR project were I learnt how to use Adobe Aero to complete the task that was set using Aero I designed a sculpture in 3D to commemorate those lost in the Manchester Bombing by using the theme of ribbon to create a flow through the statue and using a infinite sign to show that no matter how long it has been they will never been forgotten.

Coding has really opened my mind to how anything can be edited/made by using computers to do precise designs and intricate designs as well as help speed up the process of designing of many editions like the project of 100 A5 covers which made 100's in seconds but the time it takes to set it up is long not as long as it would of taken me to do 100 pages of circles. AR has changed the way I will of mockups and visualise my projects in the real world. Generative design helps me speed up the process of making my final outcomes with the help of AI.

I learnt that my process has many flaws in it such as it takes me to too long to find ideas and examples of work that will help me design mine as I struggle to put my ideas into words to find out what I want to do then I found AI which helps me find what I need with very little detail or words that make sense which I find helps me get a good start on these one week projects which I struggled with at the start the first project took me nearly three weeks to make my final design after that I started using AI to help me with ideas which drastically improved my time usage and time it takes to make the final design.

The first time i tried to do coding both on sketch and google developer I had struggled doing it at all every time I tried it said failed or coding not accurate which then pushed me to starting AI to aid me and make it all work which it did in the end as it allowed me to maximise the amount of editorial work I could do to both projects. The success that stood out most was probably finally getting Adobe Aero to work on my Mac and produce the statue I made but before that I messed about and made all sorts of funny and ridiculous pieces to try and learn the tools.

I have only really engaged with AR and Ai and a little bit of 3D design on cinema 4D with the workshops on cinema 4D creating things like arteries and flowing blood with camera down the arteries which really captured me and braided my ideas that I could make possible. But the main one I have been using is AI as it has helped me in so many different ways with my writing skills by giving me layouts and other ways to help improve my lack of literacy skills. I have barely used AR but when I have it has really opened my eyes to what is possible with modern day technology and the advancements that keep happening.

These new technologies have allowed me to be able to create more of my ideas maximising the span of ideas I have as I now know I can do it so it makes it a possibility.

The main question which.could also be an insight is will AI take over the graphic design industry if we carry on relying on or adding to it's abilities as I do think big company's want that as AI is free and will reduce costs for businesses so they want to advance and improve AI so it will do this for them. Another Question I have is when will art just become solely reproductions of work that has already been made as I don't believe there is an infinite amount of combinations and ideas that people can have so when will they all run out.

I do believe the most significant things we have learned about technology this year is apps and tools that help do things you can't do as efficiently as they can as well as coding as it is such an important part of what happens everyday and is so vital to everyones day to day life as coding is used in such a wide variety of things from cars micro chips to fridges and freezers all the way to mobile apps and the internet as these things allow us to live the lives we do today and everyday. Then there is how apps and tools you can get for a Mac can affect your time management and prevent time wasting as well as helping you stay organised all the way to helping me write affectively and prevent me getting distracted all this for free and easy to do.

Throughout this module my opinion on tools has changed dramatically at the begging I thought they was a waste of storage but now after learning about what they can do and trying them out I have learned that they are one of the most useful things to designer as they maximise our productivity as well as improving the state of desktops as they keep them tidy and easy to navigate.

I think I will use the feedback and reflections I have been doing to start making all my final projects and processes to the best of my ability and hopefully with all the new tools I have learnt how to use and installed I don't have to limit myself and my imagination to the skills I have on the tools hopefully making my final outcomes more unique and better suited to my preferences and artistic choice.