I have realised I spend too long trying to find screenshots and other materials like original versions of projects or even parts of my project I forgot where I save on to my Mac. in my research and tools provided in the seminar I feel like Alfred and commander one would help me best with finding relevant things with ease by using alfreds short cuts and other abilities and commander one would help me with the saving process cutting down more time and allowing Alfred to find more in depth items. I would use commander one every time I save something no matter what it is screenshots or even just colour pallets anything to make sure it all goes where I want it to. Where as Alfred would be used during a project when necessary to reduce time wasted trying to find folders and other material which I have saved using commander one which makes it even quicker to reduce even more time.
Another step I have realised I spend way too long doing is the writing and annotating stage as I struggle with spelling and forming sentences apps and tools like ia writer and obsidian and bike outliner together would help me speed up the process as well as minimising spelling and grammar errors. To begin with I would use bike outliner to jot down notes from seminars and my thoughts as I do forget to do this when I think of something then I forget it, next would be obsidian or IA writer depending on how in the flow with writing I am on the day as IA writer removes distractions and makes it simple and more channeled on the project in hand where as obsidian is more flexible allowing me to focus in my own way but either way it should improve my efficiency.