My problem with this website is how it is not very user friendly due to its attempt at making it look three dimensional as well as the type at the top of the website is illegible to people with dyslexia and other forms of reading difficulties due to its small size and contrasting colour and background that moves as well as the fact that the font isn't thick enough to stand out on the strong dark coloured back ground.
I like the look of this website due to its sleek and minimalistic look as it complements the magazine covers however I do believe it may be a little to simple that it doesn't have the best looking thumb nail on the brutalists website. However the links on the website do work and take you to every RAW magazine. I don't like the layout of the issues the numerical order isn't the most pleasant to try and read or follow.
I really like the thumbnail of this website and the sleek layout of the three options with the clickable links to find out more about rave con including checklists and rave wear. However it just takes you to a list of many websites without being as specific as it could be to help you find out more about exactly what you want about.